
i reached 100!!

no.. i'm not 100 years old yet.. i dunno if i'm gna be 100.. this is my 100th post!! yayy! i just started 4 months ago n now i'm writing my 100th post.. sronook!!

so on my 100th post, i'm gna write bout MTv HATS! ever heard of it? well, if u are a fan of MTv.com, u'll know what i'm talking bout..

Quoted from MTv Hats Blog.com:
We love our logo. For real, we wanna take it out for an expensive candlelit dinner... TWO appetizers. Since MTv's inception in 1981 our brand's been the subject of countless artist interpretations by some of the world's most beautifully warped minds. We plan to keep that spirit alive with the new mtv.comand push it to the next level... YOU.

This project is called MTv Hats (Header Art Treatments), and we plan to wear many of them. The works of art to your left are MTv Hats currently in rotation on mtv.com. Calling all artists we want YOUR MTv.


in other words, MTv HATS are actually those smashing MTv logos and background creatively made by artistes from all over the world for MTv.com! you can be next! just drop down to http://hatsblog.mtv.com and download the Photoshop Template for the web's background..

here are some examples of MTv HATS.. notice that the web's background changed into a new one everytime you navigated to another page? that's MTv HATS.. if you want to be noticed, you should send in your designs too! it'll look good in your portfolio ;)

MTv has been one of my many inspirations in art.. without MTv, i don't think my knowledge and style of art would be as it is now.. to appreciate the existence of MTv, let us take a momment to view these wonderful works of MTv HATS done by artistes all over the world..

it's amazing of how a simple pink 'M' can be transformed into so many personalities or design.. that shows how versatile a pink 'M' can be ;)

please visit HatsBlog for a complete collection of MTv HATS and a larger view of these images..

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