
DJ Awards 09 blog

i've fix the problem bout the dj awards 09 blog.. i typed the wrong blog address.. the blog's address should've been http://djawards09glow.blogspot.com. but, i've forgotten to put the 'r' on the 'awards'..

so now you can visit the blog.. but, it's not done yet.. i've only put the links to a spesific post.. make a navigation for the blog so that it's easier for people to find what they're looking for..

the logo needs to be stylized.. i know you shoud simplify your work.. but, if a work is too simple, people can copy it and make it their work.. espeacially when you're doing a logo.. you don't wna end up having the same logo with other company.. only the other company's logo's better than you are.. that's worse

the background needed to be changed.. it's a ready-made blogger template.. can't use that for such a big event like DJ Awards..

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