
ads for gags and gaaa~

WWF: Don't Cut The Rain Forest! - coz it's like cutting of your veins.. you'll die right? so does the animals

gags coz some of em are funny.. gaaa~ coz all of em are creative! Hong Kiat said these are some of the ads that makes you look twice.. yes, they do.. the ads practically makes you think harder to see what's really behind them. you have to really search deeper to find the meaning of the ads.. their messages are simple, their ads are simple too, but you can see that they are really clever in terms of how they execute their ideas..

WWF: Save The World With A Few Coins - the giraffe signifies the lives that you can save by donating to WWF

Bergmann Funeral Service: Come A Little Closer - haha! so that you'll die and they can help to put you into their coffins..

Sharpie Permanent Markers - mmm.. my guess is it's as permanent as your fingerprints..

Mini Cooper: the girl had to squat down to ask for a hitch.. showing that the car's soo tiny..

Dominos: Burnt Holes - it's soo hot, the pizza burnt holes through the magazine ad..

Clorets: Eliminate Bad Breath - hahah! this ad is soo clever and manage to caught people's feelings towards personal hygiene.. for sure you don't want your breathe to stink like a fish right..?

Australia Post - If You Really Want To Touch Someone, Send Them A Letter - enuf said. aaaww~ i like how the letter morph into a human figure and hugs the receiver of the letter..

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith PosterStar Wars Revenge of the Sith - 3 lightsabers!

More Creative Ads at Hong Kiat: 70 Creative Advertisements That Make You Look Twice


adibmuhammad said...

yg poster star wars tu... 3 lightsabers, maybe? :S

Faiz said...

yea 3 lightsabers. light, force, whatever, and it looks like III u know

mein melon said...

oh ek.. okla.. btola kot :p~ dat make sense..

nad said...

meinn poster sharpie tu pasal pen tu gila fine point dia sampai boleh trace fingerprint kot :D

mein melon said...

uuu~~ yea kott nad!