
ahaha! creative resume!

i found 25 Most Creative Resume at Job Mob n decided to share it with all of you. i know it's kinda too late for me to post this coz my 3rd Beta Sem friends already submitted our Resume assignment. sorryla.. too busy la..

i dunno whether all of these resumes are accepted, but they all managed portray the real designers' skills, attitude and backgrounds.

Toolkit Resume - whoa.. soo intricately made..

DIY Box Resume - creative, but the employer will not have the patience to cut this out at make it as a box..

Flash Resume - hahaha! this guy has a funny voice.. he sings in his resume!

Doodled Resume - untidy.. but, sempoi! :p~

Recycled Paper Resume - this is more untidy.. but it shows that the person is eco-friendly coz he doesn't like wasting papers..

Subway / Train Track Map - the computer skills and education he has plus the clubs he joined led him to receive the qualifications he's got,

and my favourite:

T-Shirt Resume - i think i'll make one! (o.0) i'll be like a walking resume..

and also, take a look at these 36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Works.. fo sure you'll feel that you wna re-do your resume again.. haih~ last minute betol..


carlos said...

Olá!, it' blogue muito grande do S.A. Eu poderia dizer quanto os esforços you' VE tomada nele. Fazer do sustento!

mein melon said...

oh! i've translated wat you've written using Y! Babelfish:

Olá! , it' blogue very great of the s.a. I could say how much the efforts you' VE taken in it. To make of the sustenance!

reply: thaaannnkss!! :D i'd share interesting stuff i found on the net just for everyone to see.. i appreciate your comment there, carlos :)

visit Malaysia! hehe.. :D