...everything to me.. there's always Mothers' Day, Earth Day, Labour Day... i wonder if there's a Designers Day.. if there isn't one, i hope that on Designers Day, Designers will have this kind of spotlight like in Batman movies (the one the police used to show the Batman logo on the sky) and showcase our works on the sky... that nite, the entire sky will be filled up with colourful, mind-blowing designs.. fwah~ can u imagine it?? tinggi cite2 ni..
btw, Design Was Here took some time to gather up wallpapers that 'talks' about Design and it’s meaning to each designers and artist. you can check out their post on 50 Great Wallpapers about Design for more and to download these wallpapers..
these wallpapers content more than just mere text and colours.. they define design.. you can put these wallpapers on your desktop and let them influence your artwork..

Design is Random Colours

Thanks for finding our post useful and sharing it.
Btw, how can we get on your Design Galore if possible?
OMG!! sure! i'll put u up on my Design Galore after i've done all of my assignments. probably this weekend :)
thanx for visiting my blog! i really appreciate it :)
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