fuh! lme gler x update! n wen i do, i give u loads of pictures to see :) i've been wanting to post this since the day me, Kamil n Acap went for KL Design Week. that was what? 2 weeks ago? sorry, but i have to catch up with lots of works.. but, since there's no submission or whatsoever tomorrow, i'm gna post this
tonite morning!
me n Kamil started off our journey by car then we took 2 trains to get to Capsquare, KL to see exhibitions at KLDW. on the journey, we took some photos to warm up our camera :p~
kamil ckp pic ni bley wat album cover :p~
waiting for d train to Masjid Jamek, caught the roof of KL Central
stairs towards Masjid Jamek's entrance
Kamil! pinjam cleaner tu.. my cam dh lame x 'mandi'..
i've never seen the KLCC from this place (odw to Capsquare)
when we arrived at Capsquare, we went "fwaaahh....! soo colourful!" the trees are all wrapped up in an inviting colourful stripes of ribbons. it's like their uniforms o sumtin.. so we paused and took sum pic sum more..
this is my kind of place :)
sukeee pokok tuu!
are we still in Malaysia...? it feels abroad wen i was here.. those trees with hanging bags look like angels~
then, we went in and i gasped! i've never seen so many designer stuff that are NOT clothes before.. these are designs! at that time, the exhibitionists were still arranging their stuff so that people can see better in a good perspective. can't believe we were early.. oh, i might not remember all of the designers' names.. hehe.. sorry..
we saw lots of these paper mannequins
i like this 1 alot!
these are hand-made bags with eco-friendly messages written and drawn on em
Songket, the modern way
pile up cardboards and wrap em up with magazine covers, voila! end table!
Acap cakap dea nk tdo dlm bag beso ni.. haih.. Acap and his odd thoughts...
polaroids of eco-friendly bags and the designer, i guess..
let's bECOme!
'sweet' ad!
we saw a door leading to the back of the building, so we went out and discovered stalls dangling with hand-made stuff, snacks, drinks, well mainly clothes and bags.. they're soo colourful!
kamil was stunned looking at a hot momma! :p~
alaa.. pic ni best tp overexposed plak..
Capsquare buntings
i wish i could've buy one...
then, we saw a wall of graffiti! ape lagi, cam-whore time!! we had to put our cameras beside a water fountain.. haish, seb baek x basah!
walking along the graffiti
one of the monster that i like on d graffiti. not that one at d bottom corner k..
expressively awesome!
eleley~ gembire dea..
we had to put the cam beside that pool of water!
ngeh ngeh~
now, it's time for exhibitions again! we went in again and up to d 2nd floor.. more designs to be discovered! and most of em were made by Malaysians! we saw lots of sculptures, paintings, installations and craft that would've made Che Mad proud of us if we do it the way these designers did! haha.. reminiscence.. dah Beta dah mein.. let it go...
i wonder how long it takes to makes such detailed artwork.. his/her house must've been filled with glue!
haih.. ble la aku dpt wat artwork cmni...
this necklace had been booked!
one day, i'll make my own paper craft!
Kamil play2 with the flash website built by Pixel Playground
Beadxels! bt somene else's design.. probably it's called differently too..
Anime's everywhere in this poster!

they should've open a booth where they can customize people's CPU Exterior! i would've want one..
Malaysian crafted stuff
these characters look like Nickelodeon's cartoons
those posters look like Jeremyville's illustrations! was he there??
Roomism - cutest thing!!
eh, rabbit socks!
gaaaa.... rabbit illustrationss....!!
these paintings are lovely... can i bring one home..?
the lady at the booth said Roomism are Singaporean designers
Art Tech was there too!
the one on the top left was for Manic Creative, u can get it inside d Don't Panic! pack.. oh, yea spe pg Gegey Fest??
eee... sukenyeee style dea.. retro with modern touch
cmnela otak deorg bley t'pk nk lukis cmni ek??
we went into this very dark room and found all these stuff that emitted sounds.. it's s'pposed 2 be installation art, but i dunno wat it's all about.. it's done by Hexa Project
oh! and there's this photographer showcased his photos on top of the map, showing where he captured those photos.. that's creative! his photos are wonderful too..
at last i found the newest IdN issue! then, we saw this banner full with IdN's pass issues! gaaa~~ i wan em all...
deorg pn nk gak amek pic kt banner tu..
colourful stuff to make colourful new products!!
Heath Nash: friendly and talented designer.. he turns colourful used materials into sumtin wonderful.. i wna have his brains...
who would've thought these useless plastic toys can be turned into sumtin more useful
Heath's booth is my favourite booth of all coz it's full of colourful creations!
i want one!!
uish! mnde la sme ni.. i wna see wat happens after Heath got his hands on these stuff!
i think, this booth was the simplest one of all.. simple method, simple materials
this is the designer.. he said he did the shape-cutting just coz he like to do works the simplest way possible..
he and his assistant showed us how he did the simple posters.. they cut a shape through stickers and pasted em on a smooth paper
Acap n Kamil was stunned looking at storyboard sketches
fuh.. best storyboard cmni..
Kamil: "nak lukis cmtu gak...."
(o.O) berkilau mato den!
mcm dlm frame gambar..
pematrian artistik! n how did they manage to put in those diamonds in that kayu-kayan??
haih.. teringat my 'Sarang Burong..' Sarang Burong tu dah jadi sarang burong btol kot kt blakang my owse..
moved on to Basheer Graphics! where books and design are fused! i feel like buying the whole books they've shown there..
we were all attracted to this recyclable paper bins! they've got 3-4 designs of em.. they're all 'useLess'! the bins actually tells us to use less of sanity, hates and more.. good one! we all bought 1 paper bin each..
paper sweaters! won't you get wet wearing em?
this book is 'useLess' too! it's only RM80++
pose Kamil, pose!
Kamil mencebek lepas abeskan duet bli paper bin
horizontal arrangement of painted posters
org tu move his hands around the screen n d thingy on d screen follows his hand movements.. cool, huh?!
can't remember where i found this but i like the drawing style, it really suits the circus theme
at the Pipit booth.. they've shown lots of illustrations on their wall n all of em are fascinating!
Pipit Logo
Street Art T-Shirt
ngaa~~ we looove this!! i think i've just got the inspiration on how to make my MI Design Journal more lively..
a treat for skateboarders..
another cut n paste art! what's Ultramana anyway...?
r those wallpapers o sumtin...?
kakak ni bg ktorg free posters!! thanx soo much!!! Kamil said to her "we know how much this is worth.. we appreciate it.."
this is still at Pipit's booth.. it's sooo nicely done!!
this one have a star mole on it's cheek..
haha! very cute!
weirdly cute..
every angle have different views
padat dengan hijau n hitam
Wall Tailor: Dress Your Wall! love the logo coz it's glowy n fun!
these are HangArt Wallpapers. they hang the examples of wallpaper patterns using a t-shirt-shaped styrofoam
this is an example for the Wrapper Wallpaper
Kamil: "adik2, arini kite blaja cmne nk tmpal U-Stick Wallpaper from Wall Tailor!"
clean & stick, place & peel, scrap & remove, scrap more, peel again, well done!
keseronokan menampal U-Stick Wallpaper!
a tee that i would've bought...
bli la baju tu Acap..
Acap terpegun!
those sampan origami looks like fishes in the sea
guess where i've caught this... from a painting of course!
ha! booth ni best! it's sort of like an an installation / sculpture for influencing people to recycle electronic stuff, mainly computers
the illustrations on the paper bags, books, swithces etc. shows that the issue which the designer's trying to bring up is about recycling electronic stuff
x sure switch tu utk ape.. tekan2 xde ape pon..
eh, ape ni?! cambest! Acap teringat Rubix Cube yg dea nk buat for his Antisocial topic mse DF dlu tp x jadi..
this is the best sculpture i've seen on KLDW.. cool gler!!
pencil colour sketch of an upside down cat!
i think i've seen these calendar designs on Smashing Magazine before..
finished exploring the whole Capsqure, we went downstairs to go somewhere else.. but, we discovered more things when we went outside! the event started to load with people.. more booths opened up.. more clothes and bags showed up! no.. i didn't buy any of it..
Acap: "ha... ni baru jaws betooll..." we saw a cute cardboard jaws earlier on.. Acap x puas hati cardboard jaws tu kecik sgt size dea.. until he saw the female human version of the jaws..
Earth Hour Bags! wait for my post on what we did on Earth Hour!
i would've buy this baju!
ah...feel so menyesal x pegi..
do we have to pay for the entrance fee act, or its free...
what about the RM200++ entrance fee..
oh.. fo d exhibition kt Capsquare ni free je.. yg conference kt National Art Galery sme tu kne bayar..
mmg worth it la kalau bayar pun.. IdN pnye editor dtg kot!! rugi x pg conference tu..
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