
MTv, please inspire me

aaaaa!! i seriously have no confidence whether what i'm doin for MI is right or wrong.. i changed my brand to till the last minute coz i think Crocs are not my kinda brand.. i mean, my style's more to Tropicana Life.. so, i changed my brand to Tropicana Life..

this is the newest TL t-shirt for girls.. the designs kinda boring.. n tough to do too if i wna do it in Flash.. animating the two people there.. ergh.. so i wna choose another one..

this is the second newest one.. i don't like the colour..

i like this one, though it's an old design.. i guess it's last years design.. but, i like the idea of this t-shirt.. n it suits my style too..

back to square one! had to plan the 10 best strengths, storyboard, background research, sketches n lots more for the t-shirt that i've chosen.. i'm not even sure if i can use the old design of Tropicana Life for my Audio Visual.. hope bley la.. alaa lagipun, lecturers tatau kan bju ni sbenanye design lame.. hehe.. i just wna do sumtin which suits with my style..

here are the inspirations i got from YouTube.. there are all MTv motion graphics..

i like that cute rock chick!! the style for this video is cute but still edgy.. i like that..

this one mmg suit the Tropicana Life style.. tp takot cam cliche' plak..

cut-out illustrations.. i loike..

i wna do sumtin like this.. but it doesn't suit Tropicana Life's style.. huh~

this one's cool too.. i like how the colours liven up the streets.. that's what i wna say bout Tropicana Life: Colour Your Life!

argh! poster A2 x print lg! kne anta lmbat la jwbnye ni... :( asyik2 anta lmbat.. lecturer pn dh bosan.. haih~

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