

found something that resembles the trio monster fighters in Shah's FYP video at Graphic Hug! hehe.. they're made from Lego by Nathan Sawaya..

this is interesting! quoted from Nathan Sawaya's web:
So I got an interesting call. Apparently ‘Mythbusters’ was trying to bust a myth about LEGO. They wanted to create a giant ball out of LEGO and then roll it down a hill to see if it would smash a car. But while they were building it, they ran out of bricks. So they called me.

so did the giant lego ball thrived?? find out here!

some of his other Lego sculptures:


PF37 said...

owh dem! character 3 tu mcm my RR!
aaaaaaaa and my new version RR pon kepala mcm tu! hahahahah demm kene ubah!

mein melon said...

hehe! dat's wy i blogged em! x pyah ubah kot.. u pnye bkn lego pun..