so, here's mine & Lala's work fo Mandarin. we did an essay entitled "A Surprise!". thanx to Shen Thuu and Sim for helping translating what's on our head into Mandarin words:) thanx to
Babelfish too..
tapiiii nk menghafalnyee sgtla susaaahhh.. these are the slides that we used for the presentation. of course we were allowed to bring notes but, we can't read it.. hmmm.. cmne tu kn? kne tgk sket2 den hafal baru ckp.. it went quite well and skejap sgtla plak kn.. bajet cm 20 mins present.. padahal bpe minit je..
for those of you who learned Mandarin mse Beta, let's see if you can still remember how to read this chinese characters :) oh, i'm gna use a direct translation k.. coz it's funnier that way :)
"A Surprise!" by me & Lala
We must present our schoolwork now. The topic is "pleasantly surprised".
A cold night, we are doing the schoolwork.
The schoolwork kidnaps the date (due date) is in 2009 nine month one day (1st September 2009). Suddenly, we discovered at the same day is also the Yaya's birthday.
We stopped our schoolwork plan Yaya's birthday to be pleasantly surprised.
At the same day, we have handed over our schoolwork, approximately the Yaya exited the lunch (we asked Yaya to join us for lunch). We put on the Yaya have eaten, on blindfold in her eye (we blindfolded her eyes). The Yaya agrees (to blindfold her eyes).
Crossed very, we to garden. (We arrived at a flower garden) We lead her to picnic's place.
We hurry to take off her eye-shade. We shout “happy birthday!” together. The Yaya feels very pleasantly surprised.
We take the birthday cake. The Yaya has blushed.
We sing the birthday song together: "Happy birthday" (4 times)
She blew the candle to cut the cake.
We finished eating food which we prepared. Has the few surface, (there were) the fried chicken, the pudding and so on.
Then, we open the gift (supposed to be Yaya open it la kan?? haha..). We have delivered blue color clothes and a yellow scarf. She receives our gift very happily.
We have made (captured) many pictures together, finished. Our birthday party Yaya told us this is the best birthday party (dekat slide ni 'party' ditulis as party politik.. erk.. salah character!). why did we used 'the' Yaya? mmm... sebab mase ngh tulis essay ni Yaya terpacak depan mate ktorg.. all images are from
Good job!
But reminds me it's time to revise dah, my Mandarin sudah lapuk =.=
hahaha! it's gud dat i reminded u..
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