
really, you're that dumb?

excuse me for all the f* bombs dropped in this video but, it kinda make sense n as a designer i've undergone through all those stuff.. but, we can't really blame the clients la kan if they dunno anything about design and the softwares but, try to be considerate la.. we're not robots that you can expect us to do numerous works in just 17 minutes! guess they dunno even nak design a brochure need a very detail research, sketches, fikir camne nak arrange n all..

n lagi satu, pehal plak sroh 8 year and a half nephew yang tatau pape psal design to design fo you?? wassup with that? oh, maybe they don have enough money la kot to hire designers.. but, still.. orang yang design tu mestila tau sket2 psal design janganla maen taram je kan.. if some designs tu maen buat je, it'll bring down the company's dignity. baek x pyah design langsung.

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