
cute chubby bubbly skywalkers :)

Skywalkers by Friends With You

often we seen kites and hot-air balloons with beautifully detailed characters. but, these Skywalkers are cuter and different! simply because they were designed as illustrations before and i never thought it would be transformed into a hot-air balloons.. sooo cuttteee!!

here's a video capturing the moment:

Skywalkers - Scion Art Basel 2006 from FriendsWithYou on Vimeo.

more works from Friends With You: (all of em are sooo cuteee!)

Dancer (Pop-Tarts) from FriendsWithYou on Vimeo.

Kawaii Island presents "Movie Magic" - Target Live Events from FriendsWithYou on Vimeo.

Fun House Pictopia

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