
that coke won't roll off the table again

New Geometric Coke Cans

nicee! it's even better to hit someone with a can of coke. the silver one looks like a diamond rock!

quoted from The Dieline:
"Dzmitry Samal designed a unique concept for beverage cans. The shape is much more geometric - featuring facets, instead of the familiar smooth round cylinder we're used to. The new can design utilizes a process called impact extrusion, a process where an aluminum slug (solid piece of metal) is pressed at a high velocity with extreme force into a die/mold by a punch.

Conceptually, Dzmitry's concept could work, but it remains to be seen if it is comparable to the current standard can in price, quality and even feasibility for full-scale manufacture."

true. if it's more expensive, people will only but it once for souvenirs purposes.

the colours suits the world of Coke. the black one looks like Man Utd.'s new jersey.

there's even this colour-less Coke can invented. it promises to reduce air and water pollution occurred in its coloring process. 'ecoethic!' yea, i just invented that word.

i think i'm gna have to put a new label for Coke now..

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