
macbeth digitalized

Alexia Sinclair Macbeth
Alexia Sinclair's Campaign for NZ Opera

i am stunned when i see this video. just how many editing Alexia Sinclair need to do before she can produce a beautiful masterpiece like the above? watch this amazing time-lapse video:

Alexia Sinclair: Behind the Scenes - Macbeth from James Hill on Vimeo.

now, i'm just a beginner designer. when i watch something like that, i'm thinking, will i posses the skills, idea and most importantly the determination to sit down in front of my Cami and produce something that i can be proud of such as what Alexia Sinclair did? i hope i will coz if i don't i'm afraid i wouldn't be able to make it in design world. this is the reason why people get paid so much!

oh, i wonder if she did that in just 1 day..

watching that video makes me type faster! haha!


a square isn't just a square

mmm.. i'm too sleepy to think of any other title for this post. a square i mentioned above symbolizes a product packaging. a packaging doesn't just serves as the packaging of the product, but it also shows info bout the product and company. the packaging is vital to be designed nicely because you want your consumers to remember and know your product and brand effectively.

thanx to Creative Repository, i've found links towards beautiful packaging webs! now i can print banyak2 precedent studies nak letak dlm sketchbook bagi teballl. these are some of the packagings that somehow.. give me some idea for my Lyanne Batik point of purchase packaging:

Anti-Theft Lunch Bag

Book Crossing Bag

Clothes in Closet Knuckle Bag

Rellana Wool


Sliced Bread/Notebook

ready for 2010?

not yet for me, but i'm loving the calendars! these 2010 calendars were found at Design Milk, Etsy and Paper Crave. theses calendars varies from the way it is used. they can be hanged, put on the table, keep in your pockets, detached, recyclable, displayed on your table and so on! plus, they don't just put some illustrations, they were engraved, embossed, tight up with colourful ribbons, strings, folded and more!

Melissa Design (Van Hoose)

One Canoe Two

2010 Planner from Crispin Finn

Click Full Post > to see lots more 2010 calendars!

neon books

airan kang's 109 Lighting Books
109 Lighting Books by Airan Kang

books that light up! you don't need table lamp besides your bed anymore when you read the book at night.. got em from Today And Tomorrow.

airan kang's 109 Lighting Books

see how it works:

Airan Kang from Jun Lee on Vimeo.


lego + muji

what do you get? a fun fusion of lego-papertoys! i want oneee!!

quoted from Today And Tomorrow:
"The Japanese retail brand MUJI and LEGO teamed up to develop a set of 4 different boxes. Inside those boxes you’ll find the classic LEGO bricks but also a few sheets of paper. No big deal. But when you also have the right punch hole tool, you can combine both to create something new."

"coz i'm josh, i hold the world record.. blablablabla" poyooooo~


ooooyyy!! slow doooooownnn!!

it's when you don't know when to stop...

terasa plak kan bila tgk motion graphics ni.. haha.. part yang "Procrastination is... playing imaginary games with your furniture!" tu x bley blaahh~ bila nak start buat kje ni??!

got it from Visual Culture.


badass warrior princesses

i was intrigued by Kate Toropygina's illustrations entitled Forgotten Worlds. woman + metal = seductive killer!

Kate Toropygina forgotten worlds
Kate Toropygina forgotten worlds
Kate Toropygina forgotten worlds
Kate Toropygina forgotten worlds
Kate Toropygina forgotten worlds

view more of these illustrations on Kate Toropygina's Behance Portfolio.

poppy cafe

these are the pictures of Palazzo delle Exposizioni della Biennale designed by Tobias Rehberger. it's an example of Pop Art.

quoted form The Cool Hunter:
"Rehberger calls his cafeteria “Was du liebst, bringt dich auch zum Weinen” (Whatever you love, will bring you to wines). It is a crazy, retro-inspired space, juxtaposed with a jumble of forms and colors with black and white as the combining theme. He collaborated with the Finnish furniture house Artek that created custom furniture for the space."

poppy patterns for my house! how bout dat..

hug em

i don ave any idea of what to name this post. found these lovely stuff at Art:tech si legend :D he posted these pictures he took at Pipit's 3rd Anniversary at Annexe Gallery.

feels like making a Tilt-shift photography..


Iron Man vs Bruce Lee from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.

Bumble Bee boy from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.

Jackson vs Bean from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.

i've put a new label: Miniatures! :)

videos credit to @TheCoolHunter


mmmochopictcho! :)

MAC 3 Video Launching : Projection Mapping from Shah Azman on Vimeo.

congratulations to Motiofixo! PM tgk kot! feeewwiitt!!

quoted from Motiofixo:
"Introducing the MAC3! Malaysia's first creative centre. This will be the centre of creative industry excellence and will strive to continue developing the industry, promoting Malaysia as a hub of creative contents for the world."



UPDATE: wow! this is my 402nd post! baru prasan :p~

Pacman Can Art

it just amuses me everytime i see something creative but, tiresomely taking somebody's precious time and effort when they could've used that time to invent or do something more effective or useful rather than creating these useless but cool stuff! whoa, that's a whole lot of words for one sentence.

quoted from Geekologie"
"Ever wonder what Pac-Man eating a ghost would look like constructed out of a shitload of tuna cans? Well now you do. The internet: it's magic, folks. These shots were taken at Canstruction, an annual food-and-drink can stacking event that I can't even believe exists. If there's a damn Canstruction you can bet your bottom diaper there should be a Geekologie-con. Somebody get on that. Somebody, anybody. Not me. And bring snacks booze. Wait, snacks too. Oh, AND YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS. Kidding, anybody will do."


i'm not sure whether that big creature is a sasquatch, person or grizzly bear.. i'm just amazed of how Allison Schulnikmanaged to make the effect of the 'fur' of the creature gerak2 throughout the video. it also looks like one of my nightmare during the part of the faces mold into different shapes. their dark wholed eyes are scary.. got it from It's Nice That.

that coke won't roll off the table again

New Geometric Coke Cans

nicee! it's even better to hit someone with a can of coke. the silver one looks like a diamond rock!

quoted from The Dieline:
"Dzmitry Samal designed a unique concept for beverage cans. The shape is much more geometric - featuring facets, instead of the familiar smooth round cylinder we're used to. The new can design utilizes a process called impact extrusion, a process where an aluminum slug (solid piece of metal) is pressed at a high velocity with extreme force into a die/mold by a punch.

Conceptually, Dzmitry's concept could work, but it remains to be seen if it is comparable to the current standard can in price, quality and even feasibility for full-scale manufacture."

true. if it's more expensive, people will only but it once for souvenirs purposes.

the colours suits the world of Coke. the black one looks like Man Utd.'s new jersey.

there's even this colour-less Coke can invented. it promises to reduce air and water pollution occurred in its coloring process. 'ecoethic!' yea, i just invented that word.

i think i'm gna have to put a new label for Coke now..

certified for working our ass off

dj certs: creative director
DJ Club Creative Director Certificate

did a whole bunch of certificates last 2 weeks. here's the DJ Club Hi-Comm Certificates for last year's hi-comm. printed em lots of time already but, these are the perfect sets. i used a shiny glittery golden paper and stamped an ornament around it myself. if buat kat tempat laen mahal.. i bought the steel stamping tool for only RM6.90 bley guna kat banyak2 kertas.

i wanted to make these certificates royalty and i want people to feel appreciated and feel like they are a high-ranked person when they receive these certs. each certificates have different background picture that suits each of the receiver's post title. i downloaded the above image from somewhere. i can't remember. but the other certificates' background pictures are downloaded from Iconspedia and Bazaar Design.

dj certs: tebuk-tebuk
imagine i had to do this for the whole 28 paper! sakit tangan nak tebuk kuat2~

dj certs: cut-outs
wee~! banyak gila cut-outs!

elevating ads

i've never really seen a good elevator ads when i jalan-jalan in Malaysia. not yet kot.. wish i can see these elevator ads for real.. got em from Advertt.

Elevator Ad: Swiss Sky Dive
Swiss Sky Dive - sape gayat ni memang x bley masuk lift langsung! haha!

Elevator Ad: Superman The Movie
Superman The Movie - style giler!

Elevator Ad: Ogilvy
Ogilvy - uish! takot orang nak masuk..

Click Full Post > to see more!


cubees in action!

UPDATE: remember that i wanted to make new t-shirt every week? well, these are not t-shirts, but for this week, these Cubees are my personal project to kick-start my notion of creating something new every week! enjoy! i know i did..

Daft Punk - "the bigger the louder!"

yayy! i finally finished folding all of my 20 Cubees! did a photoshoot of em just now. and here they are doing mundane things they do everyday:

Batman & Joker - "you really should get a face job, Joke.." says Batty

Battle of the Bears - guess who won?

Bunny & Domo Kun - playing hide and seak. little that Domo Kun knows that Bunny has a gun! really, click to close up and see.

Cubee TV - it's a slow day in FCM Boutique. Giant Teena spends the rest of the day watching TV..

Cubee Ghost - aaaa! it's flying around my room all night! (>.<)

Click Full Post > to see more Cubees in action!

cute zesty creatures in nike cortez's ad!

Nike - Cortez - Full Edit from The QBF on Vimeo.

Nike is one of the brand that always produce awesome ads! this Nike Cortez ad have the best of both worlds in 3D animation as well as stop motion. sometimes, some ads focus more on the storyline than what they sell. but, this commercial depicts clear and great quality in both design and product ad. good one!

quoted form Fubiz:
"Return on this short-measuring of animation realized thanks to a collaboration between the studio PostPanic, Martijn Hogenkamp and the English agency Tokyoplastic. A setting in scene of Cortez Brothers, characters inspired of the shoe Nike Cortez created in 1972."


another paper toy design for you to print and play with! XD seronookk! this time, you'll need an A4 paper, double tape and 10-15 minutes of folding time :) Readymechs are quite different from Cubees because their shape is longer and their hands are flat and movable like a bird's wings.

see the Cubees Photoshoot i've made! i had fun doin them :) next time, i'll do a photoshoot for Readymechs plak! :D