

hah camne nk pronounce name tu up to you guys la tapiii ape yang pasti all of the stuff made by Skin are the candies to my eyes.. ish.. deorang ni make me want to learn sewing plak.. when you can sew, you can make your own clothes, bags, hats and even shoes! (jahit kasut.. pernah dengar tak?)

Whooblebublyland sells handmade products like wallet, pouches, clutches, laptop sleeves, organizer jacket and moooore! they can be custom-made too! like Polkadotte Boutique, Whooblebublyland makes their merchandise using fun colourful fabrics! honestly, i can't take my eyes off them, so i bought a Mescha Wallet like the one below to cure my craving for having a new feminine wallet.

feast your eyes on these!

Mescha Wallet

Cecilia Organizer
(i almost bought this one but, tade duetla mase tu..)

Marie Clutch


writer-on-duty said...

OMG ! i love their product.. will drop by soon..mau beli jugak.. huhu thx for the info..

mein melon said...

beli beli beli! welkamm :)