
alert! alert!

i haven't done my talent photoshoot!! coz sum1 didn't reply my sms/ym/myspace msg.. haih.... i'm afraid i won't get to finish my talent photoshoot on time.... why is always like this now? when it comes to the important assignment, there will always be obstacles! i hate it! i hate it! i hate it! mmm.. ok.. calm down... pressure's good.. coz it keeps me alert..

btw, my talent photoshoot concept is social problem.. social issue number one is alcoholic.. the background will be a club.. the club was supposed to be RUUMS. i was supposed to take the photoshoot today coz Hulala Artsy was invited by Meet Uncle Hussein to watch em perform for 'KAMI' gig.. but, i can't go coz the female model is busy.. so, we can't go there.. plus my mama forbidden me to go there alone.. i can't go with ammar coz he had class n his mom asked him to accompany her to Mid Valley.. so today sucks... anyways.. the female model will hold an alcohol bottle (fake one.. i'll use esprit glass bottle) n walk around drunk.. the male model will be the bouncer who shove off the female model out of the club.. so.. the female model will get to wear a flashy club dress while the male model will have to wear black leather jacket n black pants..

the second social issue is about a hooker seducing a businessman to go to a hotel.. obviously the background will have to be a hotel.. i'm thinking Hilton Hotel or Renaissance hotel.. so the hooker will be dressed in a kinky outfit.. but, not too kinky coz che mad won't like it.. for the male model, he'll be wearing a suit but he'll look like a pimp..

another social problem is the flasher! hehe.. it's kamil's idea.. the male model will flash then, the female model will look at his tuuutt and laugh... the background building, i dunno.. it can be anywhere..

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