
confirm kne reject lah!

these are the pictures that i took for photography assignments.. they're not editted yet.. only two of em are.. but, i'm sure they're all gna be rejected tomorrow.. i missed reading one important part of the brief about the Shallow Depth of Field:

3. Focus sharply on the main subject - Talent 2 (in the middle between Talent 1 and background

i think the waterfall pictures are okay.. although i think they're still gna get rejected.. haih... i feel so useless now... i don't think you can sense any depth of field on my talents pictures..



-zaza:o:binxz- said...

eventho u missed out the point, but still d pix are not interesting enuff. why? depth of field yes, but angle is important too. ur angles are quite streotypical, u can do better than that.

try harder!!!

ps: feeling useless is a normal thing when u're a designer but never let it get @ ya!

Unknown said...

okay, black fortress lecturer! haip!! *angkat respect*

Rubinden Kumar said...

hmm, ur sis is rite.. eventhough i'm commenting ur older post, it really make sense what is ur sis is pointing out.. one thingla, your pic is wide. tu je..

p/s, i is like ur sis's punye moral support! yea! XP