
typo play

these are my typo play posters.. my marks were reduced coz i submitted em late.. lots of other students do so too.. in addition, we have to do these two posters all over again, sort of like a second attemp coz mr. fauzan expected us to deliver high standard works.. he said he has a very high expectations for our batch and noticed that there are many heroes in MI Beta 1 class.. by heroes he meant the students who produced good artwork for Design Fundamental on our Alpha year.. so he said, he believed that we can do better.. so he gave us the second chance to play around with the letterforms again..

i did these typo posters for like 2 hours only.. i had a very limited time and less ideas.. so, i just lay out whatever i had in mind.. i don't care.. as long as i did the posters.. but, i put in my mind that these posters must be very different from others.. if i just do a simple cut-out letters that entertwined and overlapping eachother. my posters will too common.. what i had in mind was doing sumtin 3D although it's actually vector graphics.. i want to put some texture in my poster.. i want them to be simple yet people can still appreciate them because they're different from others..

Appreciation of Letterforms

submitted + good comment

in this poster, i tried to create depth out of the negative and positive interplay of the letterforms.. i used colour to create the illusion of depth.. lighter colours are the positive value while the dark colours are negative value.. mr. fauzan said it's a good attemp but, try to 'rongakkan' the 'bangunan' sket.. he also told me that i should highten the 'building'.. at first i thought i couldn't make a building out of these letters, but he said, as long as it doesn't really look like a real buliding, it's ok.. just try to make it sort of look like a bulding (no image representations are allowed in these assignments).. if you can really see, the letters already looked like a block of bricks.. some people said it's kinda like lego.. what d heck.. that's a good comment too.. nice pairs of eyes you got there! btw, this poster represents a message that although we're strong, we fall tumbling down to the ground if we don't work together.. as you can see, there are some empty spots in the building.. that shows that there some missing link in the group of letters.. without supporting letters, the bulding can be crumbled to pieces..

Laying out Letterforms

submitted + good comment + disguisting comment

mr. zulkifli said "eeh.. xde org yg muntah ke tgk bnde neh?".. i told him "so far, no one, sir.." than my monologue said "you je la nk muntah.." maybe because of the colour.. but, i prefer those colour not just because they're my favourite, but they're quite symbolic.. see, the colour are sort of like primary colour (blue, yellow, bright pink that almost look like red).. it's meant to hurt your eyes.. i used optical illusion in this poster because i want paople to get the message right: "it's not what you look that matters, it's what you see" - Henry David Thoreau. i didn't really do research on this quote coz i didn't really have time when i was creating this poster.. that quote is actually the reason behind the colour that i chose.. eventhough an appearence of a person/thing is disturbed/not normal, it doesn't matter.. what you must see is behind those disturbed/not normal physical visuals..

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