so, on Friday after sucky 2nd Scripting Labtest, i urged to Putra Central to catch d bus to KL Central.. of course, i ave to wait fo ammar to finish Solat Jumaat.. we headed to Times Square coz i remembered there was a costume party shop there.. on d bus, i wrote these:
(click to zoom in - coz i wrote d poses that ammar have to do..:)
when we arrived at Time Square, there wasn't any suitable things to buy for a clown accept for the hair and nose! i wanted to buy a clown suit.. but, they cost RM120++.. huh.. clownsuit pon mahal.. maybe it's coz of d materials.. ala.. materials dea pon cm kaen langsir je.. i give ammar d cortusy to choose which hair dis he wanted.. i wanted to buy rainbow coloured clown hair, but there wasn't any on that shop.. so he choosed a fuschia one.. ok, you might call it 'pink' (ergh.. hate dat colour.. accept when it's combined wif CMYK ;)) but, when we went to other shops, aih! banyak plak la rainbow hair yg murah..
bored of wandering round in Times Square, we went to Sungei Wang.. i'm soo glad that we went through the jejantas from Times Square tu! coz we found a cute lil shop that sells creatively patched pants and bags! they're sooo cute! i regreted for not taking the store's picture! i think i might get them to come for our RMMU Carnival next sem to sell those stuff! i wna buy em again!! n we found the perfect clown pants!! it's like a "pario" but, yang senang pkai pnyela.. i love it!
before going into Sungei Wang, ammar said, "hey, do you wna see your clothes at Super Sunday Store??" i said, "whatt?? it's here??" then he said, "yeah! it's just up on that jejantas there dekat ngn Monorail Station tu.." so we went there and i was soooo amused when i saw the tees that i designed was sold there!! n i bought 1 of it.. i had to buy size L coz other sizes were sold out! hah! best glerr!! Super Sunday Store might be small, but i saw alot of independent clothing labels clothes sold there.. you should go there! you'll find it hard to make a dicision which clothes to buy (psst! choose Hulala! >:)) n i regretted not taking their store's picture as well.. huh~
when we got into Sungei Wang.. fwah! i trus rambang mate! heh.. i'm always like that wat.. we've got d clown's hair, nose & pants.. so, d next important thing is to buy it's clothes! we saw 4 potential clothes for the clowns.. n we learned that guy's baju gantung is soo payah to carikk! it's like, the baju gantung is soo old fashion but exclusive plak coz susah nk carik dea..
we went into this 1 shop that sells ladies stuff.. then, we browse n browse... tadaa!! found 3 potential clothes for d clown! (yea.. he wore girl's top for d fotoshoot..) den try2.. afterthat, we dunno which one to pick eventhough those 3 clothes look the same anyway.. so, we go to Hujung Store and search for just a tee.. we found a fluorescent coloured 1! but, come to think of it, ala.. clown pkai tees n pants je...? that's soo casual.. so we opted for this baju instead:
eh not d baju he wears.. it's d baju hanged on d wall.. dey looked quite d same don't they..?
then, we went to the party shop downstairs to look for d clown's shoes n face paint.. we found d shooooess!! OMG! i wanted em soo much! but they cost RM87.. ok.. over-budget.. alaaaa... i want that shoooooesss!! it's colourful, big n clownish!! sadly, i fogot to take their picture.. but it looks sort of like these clown shoes:
and we had our lil fun in that shop.. hahaha....! i love those big Jester Hats!
percubaan utk menjadi Pennywise in Stephen King's IT!
then we're late for berbuka.. i wanted to eat at Tepanyaki.. but, ammar wanted to eat Nasi.. but, last2 when we arrive at a mamak stall, he just ate Magee Goreng.. hmmph!! baek mkn kt Tepanyaki! ade nasik gak ape.. hish..
::aik! npe la straw tu kne ade kt c2..::
then he said "look to your back!" then, suddenly i saw this big truck cracked a 1st ground shop's wall! OMG! but, it was just a gimic.. it was a toy store's show window. ler~
n these are the rest of night's shots:
ni rupe ammar klo pakse dea glak
enjoy sakan ko yer!! btw ader bus dari putra central ke kl? kul brapa bus?
hehe.. adela.. bus E1.. pkol bpe? ntah..x ingt.. bt bus ade smpai pkol 11 klo x silap..
oooo ok! thanks aku duk kat putra pun tak tau ader bus ke kl!
haha! apetah..
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