
Meet Uncle Hussain's label

fariq asked me to design Meet Uncle Hussein's label.. it's kinda like a logo but it's not.. i didn't have time to design the label.. so, i just used all of my typeface that have quite the same character of the band to make the label.. i hope some of the typeface can really define what Meet Uncle Hussein's all about.. i recommend those that are at the bottom of this post.. you can click on the images to view em larger.. have fun viewing em! oh! btw, i prefer no. SC8, S18, D37, D39, D46, D48, and D54.. what do you think..? give rational comment k..

actually, Meet Uncle Hussain asked Hulala Artsy to design their t-shirt as well.. so, no need to tell who'll design it la.. ;;) but, i'm sooo having a self-doubt right now.. i'm afraid my designs aren't that appealing.. i certainly agree that my designs are not really innovative nowadays.. maybe some are.. but, still.. i think i've downgraded myself.. hmm..

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