
weird fireworks

this is my fireworks picture that i'm gna submit tomorrow.. fireworks ni plek.. tp che mad prefer this one coz it's different from others.. org laen xde org2 tu sme dok t'mangu tgk fireworks tu.. but, i'm not sure if this edited image is good enough.. we'll see what happens tomorrow..

and people said the place that i went to make the frame for this picture in Kajang is not that good coz they say that shop chopped off the frame sloppily.. mmm.. i'm not sure bout that coz my frame looks fine to me.. i already measured it.. it's ok.. but, that's my opinion.. if my work gets rejected tomorrow, then we'll know that those people are right..

i wanted to show my other fireworks pictures.. but i haven't edited all of em.. just this one.. but, if you wna see them, you can go to my Myspace and don't forget to comment them! ;)

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