Beadxel: Blue Mix-Tape
Price: RM5
Price: RM5
i did do lots of Beadxels.. but, i didn't really have time to take their photos after i've done it and post 'em here. today, i did. the beaded necklace is actually a chain of decoration beads.. it can't be used as necklace..
i tried finding the right material for the necklace, but, it's hopeless.. they're either expensive or not practical or senang putus.. so, if any of you want a Beadxels, you'll have to buy the necklace yourself.. bout d keychain, yeah, i can find some wire and bend it to make it look like a keychain's chain.. uuh.. hope u can understand what i'm saying..

Beadxels: Robots
Price: RM4 each

Beadxel: Big Lips Green Monster
Price: RM5
Beadxels: Peaking Rabbits
Price: RM4 each
Beadxels: Letters (can be customized to any letters)
Price: RM7 per set (1 set = 3-5 letters)
Beadxels: Ice Creams
Price: RM2 each
Beadxels: Skulls
Price: RM2 each
Beadxel: Checkered Rabbit
Price: RM5
Beadxel: AnM Heart
Price: RM5
Price: RM4 each

Beadxel: Big Lips Green Monster
Price: RM5

Price: RM4 each

Price: RM7 per set (1 set = 3-5 letters)

Price: RM2 each

Price: RM2 each

Price: RM5

Price: RM5
Orderla ;)
haha cute giler rabbit tu.
u want one?? hehe..
ohh comel nyee.
nk nk nk.
nak beadxels ni boleh??!!
puteri - nk yg mne satu, puteri?
pjal - ok! bley..
hmm, cm nk smua.
tpi nnti i decide btul2 kay??
nk sume pn boley~ :) aite!
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