my fon's alarm clock ave been ringing fo minutes to wake me up.. n so i did.. i straightly turn on my computer like i always do as i wake up.. i logged into my ym.. i read my offline msgs.. 1 of it stated:
DangerField: Mein!!! we're featured on Malay Mail today! go get a copy!
my heart goes "aaaaa!!!!!" wen i read that offline msg!! sronoknyeee!! my names' on the newspaper again! yea, it's not d 1st time my name's on newspaper.. once, me n my high school frens entered a Celcom Youth Ambassador (CYA) 2006 Competition n we got through to semi-final stage fo Kuala Lumpur's CYA.. our name was on the Utusan Newspaper, congratulated by Celcom for being 1 of the 2 semi-finalist of Selangor state.

but dis time, it's huge! at that time, people dunno wat CYA is.. but, I Are Talk? I Are Talk's one in a million, dude! there's a statement in Junior's (IRT's founder) interview wif Malay Mail said that there are not many websites such as IRT run by Malaysians..
usually we only find entertainment news from Perez Hilton, MTv n some other western entertainment websites n blogs.. now, we can actually be proud as Malaysian to have Malaysians bringing you d latest not just celebrities but, technologies, music, movies, fashion, art and design news; just about everything interesting that we stumbled upon on d internet!

oh, n it's d 1st time i wear Hulala Artsy's Awak Tak Prasan Kita... t-shirt today ;)
walaupn sbesar semut namamu... tp mesti sgt gembira! bestnye!
hehe! yea! nme ko pn adekn mse CYA tu dlu syahir...? ak lpe la..
weh x r... syahir adlh antara individu2 b'kecuali kat klas dlu...
melly - oh yea! t'masukla kau..
ya time itu pelajar baru sgt di diskriminasikan oleh cikgu2 tertentu ye... nasib baik la Haianah paling adil n saksama, hheheheh!
uish!! syahir back-up Haianah! hahahaha! dea adil & saksama ek? tp pkai gincu smpai t'kuar bibir.. :p~ kesiann..
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