btw, i searched for vending machines coz i wna get inspirations to do my MI Design Process assignment. we had to design the surface of the vending machine, advertising some kind of brand at a chosen place. we can't alter the vending machines so much (ergh~! but i want to!) coz our lecturers think that we'll focus more on altering the shapes of the vending machine instead of working on the add on the vending machine.
right now, i'm not so sure on what brand i'm gna use.. maybe Twisties coz i wna choose Theme Park as the place to put the vending machine.
if u wna read more on whadaheck are these vending machines used for, juz click on the links under the images. they're freaking interesting!

if u wna read more about vending machines, Squidoo provides a quite detail explanation for them. from vending machines historical background to links for buying them.
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