
interior lifestyle concept brand Mein Gallery!

erk.. so after i graduate, if i wna make a studio o sumtin, i can't use the name Mein Gallery anymore.. above is the website of Mein Gallery.

there's this Ping Pong Dining Table (2 in 1) designed by Hunn Wai, a young Singaporean designer, for Mein Gallery, a show-space of interior lifestyle concept brand. Mein Gallery acts as the commissioner and producer for the Ping Pong Dining Table.

eat first

then, we ping pong!


Anonymous said...

ok order 1... aku ske main ping pong ni! creative bebenar mereka ni... lepas mkn kenyang2 tros exercise... way to healthy lifestyle!

manman said...

huhu there's still the name for mein melon ;)

mein melon said...


syahir - yea! mmg bgus utk ko syahir! tp ko x kurus2 lg ke?? hehe...

iman - yup! dat name's reserved for me only bebeh! spe curik, saye sue!