
designers should leave marks anywhere

Sketched Coffee Cup by Boey

even on your polystyrene coffee cup! if you're sitting on a bench, carve something.. if you're sitting on a bus, grab a pen and write something on the seat.. if you're in the woods, carve your name on the trees.. if you're playing football, hit the ball so hard on the ground fo a few times till your name appear on the field.. if you're eating in a restaurant, pick fork and bend it or something.. as long as you can leave your mark.. haha.. my mind's filled with vandalisme.. but hey, it's what makes people know and remember you by.. not in a good way though..

i came across this computer animator, Boey who draws on Styrofoam cups. the interesting fact about him is.. his Malaysian! haha! i was reading this post about how he started to draw on Coffee Cups with his Sharpie and found out that he was born in Malaysia but continued studying animation in San Francisco and now hired to design computer games..

he sells these cups too, complete with a glass packaging for each of it

here's a video of the process of him sketching a coffee cup:

the process

quoted from Boey's Flickr:
The cups take anywhere from a few hours to months to draw. i draw directly on the cups itself. so theres plenty of chances for errors. i like that risk involved, keeps things exciting.

read the rest of his story on OCregister
see more of his Styrofoam Coffee Cup Collection

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