
it's nude, but it's beautiful..

...and so i put it here.. i like how the candy floss dissolve and be 'alive' again.. this video's stunning! it's a new video for Lolly Jane Blue song: White Swan, directed by Sil van der Woerd.

quoted from Creative Review Blog:
The atmospheric film was shot in a disused coal mine in Beringen, Belgium, and, according to the press blurb, "tells the story of an exhausted, shivering girl who is captured in a dark machinery world where she dreams of being taken away under the wings of white swan". It is the second collaboration between Blue and Van der Woerd - the first was the music video Worms.

On shooting the film, Van der Woerd (who has just signed to Annex Films in London for UK representation), comments: "Shooting a video backwards, in the middle of the night, with a naked girl on a stone-cold floor in ice-cold rain was.... challenging to say the least." And the candyfloss in the film is all real too - it was made fresh during the shoot.


theNabil said...

just beautiful. thanx for sharing.. ur blog is one of my favorite places to look for references :)

mein melon said...

wow! glad to know that u're inspired :)