
balik booth

BA_LIK is a summer stage and exhibition pavilion for Bratislava designed by Vallo Sadovsky Architects. i dunno why the name is BA_LIK la but this pavilion looks like the booth that my MI group, Electronica (ceyh! promote name sket! :p~) gna model later for the GC Aquo 42" Plasma TV Booth Design. macam pnah dengar x name Aquo tu..? hehe.. yea.. ktorg buang the 's' from Sony Aquos :p~ hahah! tpi sedap ape name Aquo.. so, just wait for our design.. i'll post it here after everything's done for this sem..

BA_LIK floor plan

btw, fo MIans, tgk ni cmne dea lukis pelan ni.. it's sumtin yg kte bley follow coz the drawing's not that complicated.. for my group, ni kire source of inspiration la for our booth design.. you can look at more of these photos and drawings on the BA_LIK info page.

Vallo Sadovsky Architects

1 comment:

PF37 said...

aaaaa benda MI i plg minat, adelah booth design. demmm teringin nk amek degree blk, buat MI plak. kehkeh