
certified for working our ass off

dj certs: creative director
DJ Club Creative Director Certificate

did a whole bunch of certificates last 2 weeks. here's the DJ Club Hi-Comm Certificates for last year's hi-comm. printed em lots of time already but, these are the perfect sets. i used a shiny glittery golden paper and stamped an ornament around it myself. if buat kat tempat laen mahal.. i bought the steel stamping tool for only RM6.90 bley guna kat banyak2 kertas.

i wanted to make these certificates royalty and i want people to feel appreciated and feel like they are a high-ranked person when they receive these certs. each certificates have different background picture that suits each of the receiver's post title. i downloaded the above image from somewhere. i can't remember. but the other certificates' background pictures are downloaded from Iconspedia and Bazaar Design.

dj certs: tebuk-tebuk
imagine i had to do this for the whole 28 paper! sakit tangan nak tebuk kuat2~

dj certs: cut-outs
wee~! banyak gila cut-outs!


Anonymous said...

mein after this U help me lah, do the ornament all around my cert. haha.

very good of u laa... so details. I bet they'll love u more after this.

mein melon said...

hahaha~ aku dah quit la syahir.. xdenye deorg nk love me more..