
cubees in action!

UPDATE: remember that i wanted to make new t-shirt every week? well, these are not t-shirts, but for this week, these Cubees are my personal project to kick-start my notion of creating something new every week! enjoy! i know i did..

Daft Punk - "the bigger the louder!"

yayy! i finally finished folding all of my 20 Cubees! did a photoshoot of em just now. and here they are doing mundane things they do everyday:

Batman & Joker - "you really should get a face job, Joke.." says Batty

Battle of the Bears - guess who won?

Bunny & Domo Kun - playing hide and seak. little that Domo Kun knows that Bunny has a gun! really, click to close up and see.

Cubee TV - it's a slow day in FCM Boutique. Giant Teena spends the rest of the day watching TV..

Cubee Ghost - aaaa! it's flying around my room all night! (>.<)

Click Full Post > to see more Cubees in action!

Ironman - after all day long making a Robo-Killer PC, Ironman buzzed off to sleep..

Dr. Manhattan - "i shall make this alarm clock rings everytime Melon refuses to wake up or late for assignment submission!"

Luigi & Rubee Cubee - "how's your bath water, Rubee? does it feel good?" says Luigi

Jason Friday the 13th - "i killed Darth Vader and hanged him!" says Jason

Wolverine & Cyclops - "this is our new song called 'Dear Sarawakians'. i'll be the drummer and Cyclop's the lead singer" says Wolverine performing at McD..

Jack Skellington - "i have a flu~"

Roller Boy - his heart beats fast everytime he sees the August Bob-Babe.

Spiderman & Venom - Spidey can't stand The Venom constant bites!


ili aqilah effendi said...

hahah comelllll...

mein melon said...

hehehe! thanx :D glad you're ammused..