
ikea home instant delivery!

found these at Fubiz. Ikea itself is already and exciting brand. if people saw this ad, they'll get even more excited! delightful things makes people feel eager to know more about the brand as the advertisement serves as a wonderful eye candy :) same as when you see a cute guy walking by :p~

hey! i've added a new label: Ikea ;)

oh, sometimes i post lots of stuff in one day. my blog only displays 5 posts on one page. so, if you wna view more of my posts, you can click on the pages button down there. scrolly rolly, ok ;)


Unknown said...

mana gambo karipap IKEA?

ha'ah ler byk gila post kamu. aku bru tak kunjung sehari dah belambak lambak.

mein melon said...

haha.. i only got to post lost of stuff on weekends..

Unknown said...

eh you can use auto-post ape. just set the time, and the new entry will update according to the time that u want.

mein melon said...

xnk.. nak update hari yang sama jugak coz if lambat2 taruk, cerita tu dh basi..