
mmmochopictcho! :)

MAC 3 Video Launching : Projection Mapping from Shah Azman on Vimeo.

congratulations to Motiofixo! PM tgk kot! feeewwiitt!!

quoted from Motiofixo:
"Introducing the MAC3! Malaysia's first creative centre. This will be the centre of creative industry excellence and will strive to continue developing the industry, promoting Malaysia as a hub of creative contents for the world."


ajinda said...

mochopictcho. LOL. comel betul bunyinyaaa. hahaha

mein melon said...

hehe! Shah came up with that..

PF37 said...

me? bila plak mein! ishhh tipuuuuuu~

mein melon said...

eh adeeee... u yg lupaa... apetah..

PF37 said...

ahaha ye ke??? :P
Fariz nk amek u intern mein! woooo!

mein melon said...

aaa~ bpe kali dh dea offer intern kat Motiofixo.. but, i don tink i'm good enuf.. tgkla dlu yea.. hehe..