
death on the second point

today, 4th December 09, on the 4th position, inside a number 4 car, i took my JPJ test. it was one of my historical day!

the day begins with a quite heavy rain. i thought the rain was on my side, you know, being "hujan itu rahmat" and all.. i was nervous. i even went to d toilet to calm down. then, came my turn! i went into my car, excited and all. when i went up the hill, look through the window, "whoa! lagi sket nak t'kluar line kuning.." then the JPJ asked what number i got. i said "number four" like four times! then he said "eh, no. 4 xde borangla!" whaaaaaaaaaaaatttt???!! so, i had to reverse back down the hill, wait for them to search for my form.. damn! i was so excited! tiba2 benda ni plak jadi.. then, i heard people screaming "woi! woi!" haha! i didn't realise the JPJ already found my form. they all shouted at me to go on. so i did.. PASS BUKIT!! there was a loud screech sound as i go off the hill.. haha! serious lawak coz i was shouting "yaaayy" kuat giler bila dah lepas yet nobody heard it :))

then came the side parking. the JPJ asked me to park on the second box. but my car terlajak so had to reverse a bit.. pusiiiing pegi petak no. 2. parking okla.. the car didn't broke down.. PARKING PASS!!

off to the ever so annoying 3 point turn.. i seriously thought i was gna nailed it.. i did the first turn nicely. i turned my steering wheel kuat2 (ngeng pnye steering wheel berat giler! akula dah la ringan camni..) and i already shifted the gear to reverse.. TIBA2 ENGINE MATIIIIIII!!! I FAILED 3 POINT TURN! gaaahh~ i could've gotten my P licence instead, my car broke down. is it a coincidence? the car engine was dead on the dead end? haha.. no. it's just me.. i didn't let go of the clutch properly.. pastu JPJ tu cakap "ha, gagal! keluar!" uish.. camtu je dea ckp.. kecik hati aku.. tapi xpela.. dah gagal nak wat camne..

then, i waited for the jalan raya test. i got my car.. no. 4 lagi.. haih~ abang JPJ yang ni baek.. name dea Azrei.. sedap name :p~ dh bg salam kat dea.. ok, i adjusted my seat, betolkan all the mirrors, put on my safety belt, checked the gear, hand break, signals, honk, wiper - done! then kuar, bagi signal, tengok kiri kanan - jalan! sampai kat traffic light.. tunguuuu~ nak jalan tu, changed my gear, turun hand break, greeekk! KRETA MATI LAGIIII~ OMG!! i said sorry byk kali kat abg JPJ tu dea dok diam je.. i tried on engine balik. dah on, MATI LAGIII!! aaaa~ abg JPJ tu mula mendengus! aiyaiyai~ aku mengucap n istighfar byk2 kali.. takot giler weeeyy! pastu kne tgu plak lagi traffic light sbb lmbt sgt hidupkan engine.. then, jalan.. all the way tu was ok.. i thought i couldn't ride until 60km/j rupa-rupanye boleeeyy keee... abg tu mesti bengang je sebab aku bawak perlahan sangat.. i ride not more than 40km/j je.. pastu sampai kat traffic light tadi tu balik.. berdebar dah ni jgn2 terbenti lagi.. bila time nak jln, GREEKKKHH~ ENGINE MATI LAGIIII~~ gila annoying weeeeyyyhhh... cakap sorry byk2 lagi kt abg JPJ tu.. i didn't look at his face langsung sampai balik akademi.. bila dah sampai, sign2 sume then tengok2 PASS JALAN RAYA~! pastu balik butik mama regret gila kenape laaaa mati plak engine kat 3 point turn tu... if not, i could've been riding my way back home dah... haih~

i feel like i dissapointed lots of people.. :( sorry korang.. i promise i'll do better on my retest bulan January nanti..


Aisyah Adam said...

ala mein dun feel bad,okla tu for a first timer,usually org take at least one retest, yg betui2 handalan je one time pass,so cheer up! :D

mein melon said...

mmm... ok.. but i WILL try my best next time! thanx ecah.. :)