
future interfaces

i read Design Reviver's post on The Future of Interface Designs. can't wait for them to come true.

but, if everything is simplified and make easier for the 'betterment' of our future, will there be things to be worked on more? can we feel the enthusiasm when we're doing the things we love? does painting with your bare hands onto a glossy surface feels exactly the same with holding a tablet's pen while drawing onto the computer or using a paintbrush to colour a wall? i'm starting to believe that Walter Benjo's right on the 'aura' is not there anymore. but, still, who am i to defy the future of things..

here's the predictions for future interfaces. you can read more about them on Design Reviver's original post.

Better and more intuitive devices interaction

Everyday devices connected to the Internet

Multi-touch, without touching the screen

Interactive and intuitive user interfaces for better browsing

Gesture based interfaces

Interfaces aware of context

New materials that will influence UI

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