went to Les Copaque's HQ yesterday and got myself a very cute Oopet kechain! it's hanging on my pencil case now. ooh! see that handsome black phone there...? his name is Shreek! it's a combination between sleek and shriek. it's sleek because it does and it's shrieking because everytime it rings it rings so loud! i'm lovin this phone!! the moment i got it i realized that "oh! i can play songs! amek gamba pun bley la! record video pun bley keee?? dengar radio pun bleeeeyy!!" yesss.. i was soo freaking jakun when i got it.. yelaa, before this i just use a not-so-cool-old-school phone..
oh, Faren, Kakja'a friend, the audio composer of Geng, who gave us the tour of the place yesterday, offered me to intern at Les Copaque.. hmmm.. tatau lagi :) thanx fo the offer! cool giler!
i took some photos while on the tour but, i don't have time to edit them yet co zi'm soo busy with my MI.. Shreek is another reason why i have to finish my work. i mean, i've got lots of presents from my parents and all, i shouldn't let them down by producing shitty works.. so, gotta work hard!
pashi pashi ! :D
cute oopet keychain,
drop by our blog at www.gengmovie.blogspot.com
haha! chomeell~ pashi bagaaa! already did :)
ko pergi HQ dia kat seksyen 13 tu? kenapa tak calling2 den, boleh join hang!
hahaha! bnde tu last minute giler.. sorry.. nnt kte buat rombongan pegi sne k.. ajak sume Sigmarians :)
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