
bookie in your pocket

so.. junior DJs out there.. you think you can be us...?? *grins* before you go on air on your own, you gotta go for DJ Club Crash Course.. this is where Mr. Lazi, our advisor will explain to you about the fundamentals of being a true DJ.. not only that, we will also test your DJ skills like the correct way of going on air, what not to say on-air, what the listeners wanna listen to, what the listeners will hate for & lots of other stuff.. this is also the time that you've been waiting for, time to select & announce the junior DJs who will finally go on air!!! you better be there, folks! or else you can kiss our on-air studio goodbye! whoa.. that's harsh.. hehe.. fear not everyone.! like i said in my previous post, there are alot of other things to do if you enter DJ Club, which is fun! so, don't fret if you can't go on air..

one more thing, DJs who attend the Crash Course, will get a booklet which explains alot of things about DJ CLub, Deejays, RMMU, what it takes to be a DJ and what to expect when you are a DJ.. here are some of my inspirations for designing the booklet:

don't throw em away!

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