
ooh! i've been tagged!!

Tagged by Agnes!!

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
  • myself, my parents, my cellphone, my ammar, Adobe Illustrator, internet

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
  • hmm.. it's been so long i've used my money.. maybe it's IdN magazine: creator's ID issue

3) Where do you wish to get married?
  • oooh... big question! mmm.. in my dream... coz everything would be perfect in my dream.. coz i'm d one who dreams bout it..

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
  • till i'm like Master Oogway from Kungfu Panda.. ngahah!

5) Are you in love?
  • my heart skipped a beat everytime i see him.. i can't help but smiling when i see he smiles.. i guess that's true :)

6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
  • P9 Mamak! wif agnes, fatin, danny, kamil, hanif, ju jin, kevin..

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
  • Introducing: 3Ds Max & Computers are Your Future - textbooks.. how lame is that...

8) What is your full name?
  • Izuin Zulsyamin binti Zulkifle!!! i used to hate it.. i wanted to be named like people with normal names like Zulaikha/Syahirah/Amirah.. but now i like my name coz it's unique.. so far i never heard anyone named "Izuin"... i oso dunno what "Izuin" means.. probly it has no meaning.. who cares...

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
  • my mama! coz she listens better n have solutions to everything.. n she let's me wear what i want! though sometimes she said i never wear the nice clothes she bought me.. r u kidding?? you bought all my clothes!! accept fo t-shirts coz she thinks it's "too simple"..

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
  • wah.. agnes wrote Howard Hughes.. i wanna meet him too coz he looks handsome in that 'Hoax' movie! but i'd rather meet Agynes Deyn, the coolest british model ever! to get some fashion tips..

11) Christina or Britney?
  • neither.. Paramore's Hailey Williams's better!!

12) Do you do your own laundry?
  • my washing machine did..

13) The most exciting place you want to go?
  • Disneyland! wait.. Hawaii! no.. New Zealand.. aa.. aa.. Japan!! no!! New York!!

14) Hugs or kisses?
  • hugs are romantic.. kisses are sexy.. combine both of em and you get passion! i love passion..

15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
  • i like her wavy curly hair..
  • very very very helpful, i admire her for that..
  • coolness! i dunno why i like to use that word to describe you.. agnes+coolness.. it matches..
  • tall...
  • red-flushed! your face's red whenever you laugh too hard or embarassed..

16)8 things I am passionate about:
  • designing!
  • shopping!
  • laughing!
  • fighting with ammar..
  • watching movies - DO NOT interrupt me..
  • presents!
  • surprises!
  • colours!
  • creative printed media! wait.. that's 9 already..

17)8 things I say too often:
  • apetah!
  • haa??
  • mndee...??
  • shoooott!!
  • oooohhh..........
  • cooool!
  • aaaaaaa!!!!!!!
  • lately: of course!

18)8 books I've read recently:
  • Introducing 3Ds Max - yes i read my textbook
  • Computers are your Future - i found it fascinating..
  • Introducing to Mass Communication - it just sat there on my bookshelf unread.. so i opened d book fo d first time.. i've had it since last February..
  • Cleo: June issue
  • Graphics Allive!
  • IdN: the identity issue: instant recognition
  • IdN: the art directors issue: the power of print
  • IdN: the semiotics of illustrations: teasing out the true meaning

19)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
  • Boston: Augustana
  • I Don't Care: Apocalyptica feat. Adam Gortier
  • All Around Me: Flyleaf
  • Pain: Three Days Grace
  • Collide: Howie Days
  • I Hate Everything About You: Three Days Grace
  • Hurt: Christina Aguilera
  • 9 O'Clock in the Afternoon: Panic! at the Disco - the song that make me feel alive..

20)8 things I learned last year:
  • procrastinating is a no-no.. yet i still do it coz it feel so right when it's soo wrong!!
  • don't limit myself.. it's lame
  • don't be too close with guys.. full stop.
  • Che Mad likes details, big artowrks, sumtin that's
  • it's a normal thing fo guys to watch porn..
  • i like to bite my nails..
  • i'm good doing work under preassure till d last minutes..
  • eating with Kamil n d gang everyday makes me gain weight

21) can i add 1 more...? 8 things you do when you're bored:
  • watch TV - movies especially!!
  • glak sorg2..
  • blogging
  • korek idong like i do now.. :p
  • send messages to ammar when he's at school but his phone's at home..
  • sleep!!!!!!!
  • design sumtin/doodle
  • run a fashion show in my room...

8 people to tag:
  • Kamil - who has a new blog!
  • Syira
  • Capix
  • Ajwad
  • Hanif
  • Yaya
  • Sheila
  • Fatin

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