
huh..? i'm like that..?

i'm trying to find out who the heck am i.. it's for my design process 1st assignment.. we have to find our visual statement.. the query is "why you worth belong to creative design industry".. then, we have to answer it like this: "because i am a.../because i am.../because i..." actually it's just "because i am a.." but, i reduce n reduce to find the true me..

i roamed around the net to find about Virgo personality.. first, i found out that virgos are... intestines(?) i got it here: http://www.virgo.arollo.com/personality.html n here's what they wrote about virgos: Virgo personality traits

...Every sign rules a part of the body, Virgo the intestines. This provides a vital clue as to the function of Virgo within the whole of humanity. Think of what the intestines do. They take in energy in the form of food, and break it down into its constituent parts. Then they analyse the components and see how they can be made to be useful. Perhaps some will be combined with others, some will be stored for later use, and some will be eliminated as being useless. Virgo takes in substance and discriminates between what is useful and what isn't, and works with it so that it may be more useful still, and thus be of service to humanity. That is the key to it all - service.

Traits of a Virgo:
  • Analyst
  • Purist
  • Plays safe
  • Worrier
  • Has mood swings (true!)
  • Perfectionist (kinda true
  • Easily learns mastery
  • Demands respect (uuh.. really..?)
  • Fair judgement
  • Pessimistic
  • Frequently depressed (haih.. true..)
  • Destructive at times (whoa! true!)

  • Pursuit of 'trueness'
  • Standards
  • Proper methodology
  • Practicality
  • Neat & tidy
  • Friendliness

  • Chaos
  • Noise (only when it's too loud)
  • Assymetry (wrong, why do u tink all of my design have stripes??)
  • Changes
  • Risk (i like taking risks sometimes..)
  • Nagging (uuh.. me or my mom nag??)

more? this is what i've read on Mysticalblaze. it's about my personality in workplace..

Virgo in the workplace is generally a dream come true. These are intelligent, industrious, detail-oriented people who don't mind having superiors and who will be active team members as long as they are provided with the tools needed to do the job correctly. In general, they are routine-oriented, doing their jobs the same way and in the same order day after day, and this shouldn't be interfered with or they will be thrown off balance. Virgo may seem bossy and controlling at work at times, but this is not about ego - they are not striving to be the top dog. Rather, they have an inner clock by which they work, and anyone that interferes is dealt with appropriately according to their Virgo standards. Virgo is a star in the workplace when all their elements are intact - workspace that is organized and tidy, head organized and tidy, and body organized and tidy. If anything becomes out of kilter, their performance could vary somewhat, but not so much in the workplace as in their personal lives, which can often become a chaotic mess because of their strong inborn sense of orderliness and the world in general not falling into line.


teddy said...

One the site states clearly about my personality and for some reason it felt very scary!

mein melon said...

haha!! don't feel scarry la.. it's just astrollogy..

Muhamad Syafiq b Zaini said...

huhuhu... may be ur not the true virgo. most of shows the person i am.
but yet not all of them. especially for tidiness :P.

neway it is just an astrology

Faiz said...

tipu tipu bende ni tipu.

mein melon said...

alaa... jdkn pedoman sudaa...