
Hulala Artsy namecards

hah! 1 more good news! i'm currently one of the CEO for Hulala Artsy! it's an independent t-shirt brand.. all the t-shirts suits my taste n they are all funky, energetic n cute! you should take a look at em here: http://www.myspace.com/hulalabee n add us! you can make your order at me or just send us a message! u can even order at danny, our english slot DJs manager coz he's one of the agent.. in fact, he's d one who introduced me to fariq, one of the CEO of Hulala Artsy too..

n these are the namecard designs for Hulala Artsy.. i should've done this like... 4 weeks ago.. whoa... i've been busy.. so, i did this an hour ago.. hope they like em! i've censored some of the personal details.. coz it's too personal...

updated namecards (services added)

i love tees!


Faiz said...

for ur first work, design something for me plsss :D haha

i xtaw nk rate ur design for name cards ni camne.. saye baru masok bidang cm.. blm ade jiwa seni T_T sila beri tunjuk ajar

mein melon said...

don wory... byk2 la blaja.. jgn dok kt jamban je.. ngahah!