
a writer of I Are Talk!

sheila asked me if i could write stuff bout designs on I Are Talk.. i said, yea sure.. but as in now.. i only write 1 post and it's bout Colourama.. i have some ideas of what to write.. but, I Are Talk is bout Faster Than Mail.. so, my ideas are very limited.. but, i'l try to write sumtin anyways..

anyone who reads this should visit I Are Talk!! hehe.. it's fun, really.. you get to know bout the entertainment world faster than people who don't read IRT! just search bout ur favourite celebrities on our blog and you get an instant news feed bout em!

i've been thinking of what to write next for IRT.. maybe 5 top celebrities turned to fashion designers.. or 5 great hairstyles that you should try before you die (it rhymes!).. or upcoming fashion style that you ought to try on.. or what the world will look like in another 500 years.. i dunno.. just a piece of my mind..

it's faster than mail, indeed!

1 comment:

THE SHEZ said...

Way to go to promote.