
munky takes on big war!!

tomorrow my munky's gna go for the big war: SPM! hope dea x maen tembak je.. :p~

we went out on saturday to snap sum pic for music sharing poster n banner.. den, we went to Rasa, Alamanda to rest n ave a late lunch.. but, he wasn't eating.. he said he wanted to study.. haih.. nk mkn pn kne study.. so i mknla sorg2.. tgk2 dea study tu, i can see that he's really into it, like he wants to get over with the xm and be done with it.. he was a bit stressed.. but, i have a feeling that he's gna do well :)

nervous's good.. coz it keeps u aware.. i personally think that if you're not nervous, sumtin bad will come out! it's just a hunch..

go 'shoot' those papers, baby! have a great war!


she rawrr said...

mein sgt sweetttttttttt XD

mein melon said...

hahaha! :p~ apetah..