
kehijauan muzik

here's d poster i made for English & Malay Slot Music Sharing Session: Music Goes Green! i'm glad to finish d poster.. Danny's glad too coz he's been asking me 2 do d poster since maybe a month ago.. i took d background picture 2 days before SPM wif Ammar.. that's just one of the many pictures we took..

we went to Tasik P16 which is just in front of my house.. we found this beautiful tree wif akar dea t'gantung from atas.. then d wind blew~ d akar n daun terbang2.. haha.. it feels so calm mse tu.. den we hang d guitar at d akar yg t'gantung2 tu.. it looks as if d guitar's depending on d nature 2 survive.. actually, my idea at first was "No Wood, No Music".. it means if there's no trees, there won't be any wood to make a guitar.. can u imagine a world without guitar? No Rock n Roll, Punk, Jazz n all.. the world would be boooring without guitars..

but, since it's not really catchy, Danny asked me 2 change d tagline to "Music Goes Green" in conjunction of RMMU Carnival's theme "Go Green"..

alot of things are goin green nowadays, which is great! who else wants to support our environment if not us, the most perfect creation of God..

Hulala Artsy, Street Signal indie clothing labels are d sponsors for this event! so, time to spend more money!! haha.. duet aku dlm bank pn tgal bpe sen je ha...

we stole the guitar from Ammar's brother btw.. thanx Hatta!

Let's Go Green!

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