
yayy ateem!!

yayy!! ateem's last xm shooted him to the top! well, not really at the tip of d top, he was no. 2 in his class to be exact.. so, on monday night, me n my parents went for his 1st hari kecemerlangan (is that spelt correctly?).. he never got any presents from his school.. dis was his 1st time..

he was excited at the beginning! but, when he reaches school, dea cover2 la plak.. x pnah plak tgk dea cmtu.. maybe he wants to maintain his kesopanan dpan chegu kot.. hehe.. ateem ni pndai plak control macho..

my parents tgu ateem amek hadiah..

unfortunately, i can't get a shot of his face when he accepted his award from his teacher..

Raja Putri mnde ntah no. 1, ateem no. 2, aqram no. 3..

dea senyum kt camera pn cmni ha.. i dunno why he smiled like that...

nk bkk kt c2 gak..

exercise book.. figures....

chegu neh... izz zuhair HatEEm ZulkiflE la.. Hatem Zulkifli plak..

ateem best!

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