
yack fou

if the picture load slow, just go to YACKFOU'S Shop page

Hulala Artsy's releasing the Comot Itu Chomel Syangat T-shirt.. i was looking for some ideas to advertise it.. that's when i found this rollover menu from YACKFOU. it's from their Shop page.. YACKFOU is a clothing label from Berlin-Friedrichshain. as for the label name, you understand la kan..

i like the rollover pictures of the menu.. first, they wear nothing.. when you hover, the pictures represent the menu's name..i like the idea for the Sweater & Hoodies section.. it's as if they're saying "if you're cold, wear our sweaters!" and that guy on the Sales section really have the right face and act to represent the word 'Sales'.. cool lah! :D


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

baju die lawa2. wooo. kene dptkn ni. haha