

i'm not much of a political person. so i won't give too much comments on the videos. i just wna share these videos made by 15 Malaysian Directors. i only embed 3 of my favs. you can watch more on 15Malaysia.com. there are more videos to be released soon.

Quoted from 15Malaysia.com:
15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia.

Watch our films. Look at our photographs. Drop us rude comments. Display your own films. Grab cool goodies. Join competitions. Meet our people. Help us spread the word. Download anything you want… We won’t charge a cent.

Chocolate directed by Yasmin Ahmad
A quiet tale that reminds us that, despite the multifaceted contradiction of Malaysia, life goes on – even if not all of it is sweet.

House directed by Linus Chung
An Indian boy is asked to build a model of his house at school. A tale on the social economic plight faced by many Malaysians.

Halal directed by Liew Seng Tat
A very silly slapstick comedy demonstrating the proper Islamic way to slaughter chicken.

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