

i just love putting on vector graphics on my desktop. here's a very cute pack of wallpapers made by J3Concept for you! i like how they create the gradient without actually using one, instead they use different tones of the same colour. found em at Abduzeedo (awesomest pot of wallpapers ever!). download the whole Wallpack! it contains 20 more of these vector wallpapers! that's alott! n they're for free! ape lagi?! downloooadd~!

Country Club Rerub

Psychedelic Apples of Death

For the Love of the ever Expanding Black Mass

A Mildly Violent Tribute

Super Mega Fun


One Eyed Purple People Eater

J3Concept Website


ili aqilah effendi said...

my god..comel giler wallpaper nehhh...heh save link skrang jugak :D heeee

mein melon said...

hehehe! save! save!