
uploaded: DJ Club PD Trip 09

hah! dah b'bulan nak upload arini bru sempat nk upload all of PD Trip Photos.. so, if you're a DJ of RMMU, please tell other fellow DJs that their weird poses in PD are up on my Myspace page ;) yours too..

PD Trip aritu was kinda fun.. i didn't get to enjoy the telematch so much coz i was having a bad sore throat and fever sket.. so, i did my part as one of the photographer.. some of the poses made by the DJs were weird, naughty and syok sendri.. haha.. termasukla saye.. heee..

our bus was the coolest one coz we all sang together along the way to PD. the lead guitarist was Syafiq and the lead singer was Sheila :) the backup singers were Nabz and the juniors.. yg laen taram..

the craziest telematch have got to be Danny and friends' game where you have to carry a water balloon with your partner without using hands, just any other part of your bodies. this resulted most of the 'weird' pictures in my Cyclon (that's my Canon Cam name)..

the juniors & Nabz did a Baywatch photography shoot on the beach after the telematch.. oh, did i mention i went on my first Banana Boat ride?! i was scared at first but then i wna do it again!

i didn't attend the famous performance nite coz i took my meds and went to bed early after some gossips with Aggy, Sheila, Anna, Yaya and Buds ;) morning afterthat, i took photos of those who were asleep on the floor n sofa! hehe.. that was fun! i even took my pic sorg2 coz that time sume org x bangun lagi.. xde org nampak.. so, cam whore la kan..

view DJ Club PD Trip 09 Photos!

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