
the maniacs!

these Maniacs have something in common with my blog name :) so it deserves to be highlighted here on my blog.. the Maniacs may seem like tak senonoh sket but they are supposed to represent chaos and stress.. so, i guess it's okay for them to behave like that hehe..

quoted from WebdesignerDepot:
Skwak” is an awesome French illustrator living in the North of France. He created a graphic world that he calls the “Maniac World” where everything is exaggerated. His works revisit children’s fairy tales and universal myths. The adventures of his characters – the Maniacs – are inspired by situations from daily life (love stories, treason, manipulation, etc) and is always represented in a very exaggerated fashion. The ‘maniacs’ express the idea of “too much”, escalation through power, wealth, plastic surgery, celebrity and much more.

Visit the Maniacs!


Aisyah Adam said...

uih lawa gile!
i want one of the iphone covers!
tapi takde iphone pun haha

mein melon said...

haha! someday u will.. i ske t-shirt Super Maniac tuu! soo cool!