
last day today

huuuu~ dah abes dah intern kat Motio~ tak bley nanges jangan nanges.. best ah Motio.. if only i could work here after graduate.. tapi tu la.. i have other responsibilities.. but, sokay.. nanti kite buat project same2 ok korang.. i still want to be apart of you guys.. best kerja ngn laki ramai2 ni.. bukan sebab gatal ke ape.. sebab korang fun n tak gelabah.. selame i hidup ni, kalau bangun pagi tu susah sangat sangat sangat siap tido balik.. tapi since masuk Motio, all i could think of in the morning, "eh, harini aku keje laaa! sronoknyee! kat Motio plak tu! tak saba ni nak g keje.. mesti ade benda best happen today.." :) i have something to look up to everytime i wake up in the morning..

semalam mase berbuka dah citer sume pasal korang kn sorang2 kn? so no need tulis balik kat sini la ek.. benda yang i cakap tu sume untuk korang je yang tau.. and i thi nk i definitely have done something to make you guys annoyed or marah or tak tahan ngn i ke.. sorryla.. heeeeee~ kalau tak suka i nyanyi ke kan. haha.. sorryla i suke nyanyi.. i suke jerit2 ni..

i left my watermelon mark kat whiteboard kat meja i ni ha.. jangan hilangkan tau.. i beli kat Bali tu.. so nanti everytime korang tengok magnet tembikai tu, ingt2la kat i.. wekk~ hahahaha..

thank you for all of the big opportunities, funny jokes, laughs, meeting famous people, makan free (weee~ sukeeeee hehe..), inspiring stories, knowledge, compliments, movies (heee... ni pun best gak..), opening my eyes into something new like experimental motion graphics and 3D and exporting website design from .psd to dreamweaver, bawak g tempat best2 cam Royal Golf Club Selangor la.. KL PAC la.. best giler keje kat Motio weyh..

a note for anybody yang nk keje kat Motio lepas ni; memang penat, memang banyak keje, memang stress sket, memang tak puas hati ngn client yg mengade2, memang deorang banyak sakat2 sume. but, they'll hold your hands along the way and won't leave you behind or in the dark. deorang ni sume baek2, gentlemen gak la.. deorang tak penah marah ngn i lebey2.. they have high expectations and i manage to as what Fariz says 'overachieved' their expectations of an intern. huuu~ best giler bila dengar dea cakap camtu.. every compliment yang deorang bagi memang menaikn lagi semangat nak kerja eventhough kerja tu sangat memenatkan otak. one thing i adore about them is that they compliment alot. bukannye sebab i besar hati sangat nak pujian drp deorang. but, their compliments are what keeps me going.

Big Thank Yous to sume orang kat Motiofixo: Fariz, An, Katoq, Port, Imp, Kapes, Faris yg kadang2 datang and yang paling i akan rindu lepas ni, Encik Shaaaaaaaaah~ hehehehe! slalu gosip2 ngn Shah ni.. you make me an extrovert, Shah.. drp malu2 tak reti nak express myself depan camera kepada buat video sendri.. tu yg u ajar i la.. haha.. ngn After Effects lagi.. i serious noob giler ngn AE tapi since buat rama-rama terbang aritu i have confidence gak la gune AE.. haha..

THANK YOU MOTIOS! raya nanti datang rumah k.. jangan tinggal pose.. :p~


PF37 said...

mein, i nangis. nangis. bucuk2. anyomoooooo

Ally Hassan said...

"jangan tinggal pose" =))

kim said...

sedih pulak baca post you yang ni, terasa macam i lak yang tinggal Motio, hihi

mein melon said...

@shah haha! miatassakadoohh... :)
@ally hehehe.. nakal deorang ni..
@kim jgn i xde niat nk bg org sedeh2 bace ni haha..