

Read! Ignore the grammar please.. (coz i didn't do this.. hehe..) click the images to view em closer..

here's Hulala Artsy's functions & services:

n this is where we're gonna be selling our clothes! it's coming! it's coming!! 2nd-3rd August!! hope to see all of you there! (their flyer have too many typeface... it's confusing..)

like these design? order the t-shirt from me!! 1 t-shirt for RM28.. you can choose your own t-shirt colour n sizes.. even if you want XXXL, we can customize it for you.. :) for girls, we have baby tees, either straight cut or figure cut..

and.... if you like the tee that i design, you can order it too! you can view my Design Addictee design on my previous post: http://melonicmaniac.blogspot.com/2008/07/mi-tee-design-addict.html alaa.. kt bawah tu je haa... scroll scroll..

More tees comin's up!

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