
mcm nk pocah kopalo den ha!

not really a freedom la.. just a week without stressing to get things done.. it's gonna be mid term 'break' soon.. hmm.. why i got a feeling that it won't be a break ha...? maybe it's coz the fact that i won't really have a break?????? argh!! i'm soo tension right now!! i got a head ache since yesterday non-stop.. this whole day had been a painful day for me...... i won't tell why... just a clue, it has sumtin to do with a t-shirt.. tomorrow's d submission! n i have done it since last week.. but, the t-shirt's not here yet.. hmmmm.... it's getting really late... i don't think the t-shirt's gonna be here... so, i guess I'LL GET 0 MARK FOR MY FIRST DESIGN PROCESS ASSIGNMENT.. yeah.. i'm definitely pissed off...

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